To check availability, find a price and submit a booking request, please go to the Primrose cottage or the Summerhill cottage pages, where there is a calendar showing the available dates. You can select the dates you wish to book for and it will calculate the price for you. If you wish to proceed, please fill in the booking form and submit and we will respond as quickly as we can. All prices apply to both Primrose and Summerhill cottages. Full week stays start on a Friday. Short breaks are available, either 3 nights (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) or 4 nights (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday), charged at 70% of the full week cost. You can stay for up to a maximum of 14 nights.
Summerhill Farm Cottages
SA67 8LY
Summerhill Farm
© Summerhill Farm Cottages 2020 - 2024